Incepand de astazi puteti participa la concursul Sange Albastru.Pentru a participa la concurs raspunde la intrebarea:
Cum se numesc urmatoarele volume din seria Sange Albastru(Blue Bloods)de Melissa de la Cruz?
Castigatorii vor fi alesi prin tragere la sorti.Concursul se desfasoara intre 3 si 10 ianuarie 2011.Tot in 10 ianuarie va fi anuntat si noul castigator al premiului pentru activitatea pe blog.
Multumesc Editurii Leda pentru aceste volume frumoase.
19 comentarii:
blue bloods,masquerade,revelations,the van alen legacy,keys to the ripository,misguided angel:D
Urmatorul volum este Bal Mascat care va aparea si in Romania.
Urmatoarele volume sunt :Revelations,The Van Alen Legacy,Keys To The Repository,Misguided Angel
# Masquerade
# Revelations
# The Van Alen Legacy
# The Keys To The Repository
# Misguided Angel
The Van Alen Legacy
The Keys To The Repository
Misguided Angel
The Van Alen Legacy
The Keys To The Repository
Misguided Angel
Blue Bloods 02 - Masquerade
Blue Bloods 03 - Revelation
Blue Bloods 04 - Van Alen Legacy
Blue Bloods 05 - Keys To The Repository
Blue Bloods 06 - Misguided Angel
titlurile seriei sunt:
* Blue Bloods - care a aparut deja la noi
si astea nu au aparut inca:
* Masquerade
* Revelations
* The Van Alen Legacy
* The Keys To The Repository
* Misguided Angel
* Bloody Valentine
* Lost in Time
* Wolf Pact
Blue Bloods *
The Van Alen Legacy
The Keys To The Repository
Misguided Angel
Bloody Valentine
Lost in Time **
Wolf Pact **
* Aparuta si la noi in tara
** Aceste carti nu vor fi scoase pe piata decat in toamna acestui an,respecti primavara anului urmator.
urmatoarele volume sunt:
The Van Alen Legacy
The Keys To The Repository
Misguided Angel
Volumele acestei serii sunt:
01. Blue Bloods-aparut si la noi ca ,,Sange albastru''
02. Masquerade
03. Revelations
04.The Van Alen Legacy
05. The Keys To The Repository
06. Misguided Angel
07. Bloody Valentine
08. Lost in Time-va aparea
09. Wolf Pact-va aparea
1.Blue Bloods-Sange albastru
2.Masquerade-Bal mascat
4.The Van Alen Legacy
5.The Keys To The Repository
6.Misguided Angel
7.Bloody Valentine
8.Lost in Time-in curand
9.Wolf Pact-in curand
urmatoarele volume din seria Blue Bloods de Melissa de la Cruz se numesc: Masquerade, Revelations, The Van Alen Legacy, The Keys To The Repository, Misguided Angel, Bloody Valentine, Lost in Time si Wolf Pact.
Urmatoarele volume:
The Van Alen Legacy
The Keys To The Repository
Misguided Angel
Bloody Valentine
Lost in Time si Wolf Pact
blue bloods
masquerade - Apare in ianuarie in Romania la Leda sub numele "BAL Mascat"
the van alen legacy
keys to the ripository
misguided angel
Bloody Valentine
Lost in Time si Wolf Pact
PARDON ; AM crezut ca le-am scris :d
Urmatoarele volume sunt:
- Masquerade
- Revelations
- The Van Alen Legacy
- The Keys to the Repository
- Misguided Angel
- Bloody Valentine
- Lost in Time
- Wolf Pact
Sper ca n-am ajuns prea tarziu pentru concurs.
The Van Alen Legacy
The Keys To The Repository
Misguided Angel
Bloody Valentine
Lost in Time
Wolf Pact
Maria,acest concurs s-a incheiat in ianuarie 2011 :).
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